Monday, August 3, 2009

A Giddy Bride

We saw something both unique and delightful at the wedding of a friend. He is a seminary student and she is a school teacher. They were married this summer just before he must return to his theological studies. Their pastor performed the ceremony. The pastor's meditation stressed the theme that their marriage was to be a picture of the gospel and the love Christ has for the church. He returned to this theme at every point along the way using the text from Ephesians 5:22-33.

Throughout his message there were the funny quips about each of them as they would learn to adjust to one another. But the humorous tone was always referenced to "Christ and his bride, the Church."

When the pastor pronounced them to be "husband and wife," that's when we saw the unique and delightful thing: the bride's reaction to the good news that she was now married to the man of her dreams. She squeeled and jumped up and down like a giddy school girl! The new husband chuckled and drew her closer to himself in warm response. I, for one and my wife for another, had never seen such a thing. As I say, I thought it delightful that she delighted in her husband so much.

But as I reflected on this scene during the bride and groom's beaming recessional, I wondered if the church in our day was as delighted in her Husband as this young bride was in hers. No, I don't think we are to be "as giddy as a school girl," but surely we must be thrilled! How else will the world know that Christ our Groom is worth it. He is our Savior, our Leader, our Protector, our Provider and rich beyond all comparisons in grace and beauty.

Or are we bored with Him? After all, He is our goal in heaven. John Piper rightly asks whether today's American Christians would accept a heaven of eternal life, unending peace, and perfect health without Christ. If our answer is "yes," then I am afraid we would never be able to "see" the bride in my little story through the eyes of Scripture.

Striving to be satisfied only in Christ,

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